Mrs Pickens' Third Grade Class

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Homework Happenings for Tuesday, Dec. 14th

Spelling:  /ou/ words; write on paper 3 times each
Math:  Retook the 4 facts; cut out the five fact cards; study these for test tomorrow and complete the WS on the five facts
Science:  Chapter 4, Lesson 3  "Living Things in the Past"  Complete the vocabulary sheet, WB pg. 75/76

*****Test over  Chapter 4 in Science either Friday or next Monday (inclement weather)*******
The following is the study guide:
                                                           SCIENCE STUDY GUIDE- CHAPTER 4- CHANGES IN ECOSYSTEMS

1. One way to help the environment is to reduce our use of certain products.
2. An example of competition is two animals fighting for the same food source.
3. The St. Helen Olive tree became extinct because of disease and dry weather.
4. Pollution happens when harmful materials damage the air, water, or land.
5. Sunlight and air are resources that help an organism survive.
6.  Fossils are the remains of organisms that lived long ago.
7. When only a few organisms are left, that organism is endangered.
8.  All the eagles in an ecosystem make up a population.
9. A person can recycle an old tire by turning it into a swing.
10.  Heavy rain and other storms can cause flooding.
11.  If a new animal is put into an environment, the animal may use up all of the resources in that environment.
12.  An oil spill is harmful to the environment.
13.  Coal cannot be recycled.
14.  Pandas are endangered because people have destroyed their habitat.
15.  Fossils found on land tell us that the land was once covered with water.
16.  Ways people change their environment: pollution, clearing land, bringing a new organism into the environment. Describe and explain one of these changes.
17.  Some nonliving changes to the environment are: floods, droughts, fires. 

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